The God concept is attributable to attributes like attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, as well as omnipresence. It is associated with the attributes of Unity and Fillessness. According to the philosophers, God is not associated with any attribute that can be measured or classified. It is believed that God is not dependent on attributes like Omnibenevolence, Omnipresence, and Omniputableness, and it is attributed by the Islamic philosophers that God is not dependent on any attribute.
It is also believed by the Muslims that God is not associated with any attribute like goodness, power, beauty, glory, and goodness and is independent from them. It is also said that the attributes like unity, omnipotence, omnipresence, and omnipresence are derived from the attributes like almighty, Allah, and halal, holy. According to the Christians, God is associated with the attribute of Omnibenevolence, omnipresence, and omnipotence. The Hindus believe that God is associated with the attribute of purity, whereas the Christians consider that God is independent of all attributes.
The Muslims believe that God is associated with the attribute of unity. They say that unity in God is defined as the absence of variety and difference in God. According to the Muslims, God is not associated with any attribute like goodness, power, beauty, glory, and truth. The attributes like unity in God are also associated with the attributes like truth, dignity, holiness, and power. On the other hand, the Hindus believe that God is associated with the attributes like omnipotence, omnipresence, and omnibenevolence.
Another attribute associated with God is eternity. Theists say that God is not associated with any time. According to them, God is timeless and does not have a beginning or end. The Muslims believe that God is associated with time and His concept of time is associated with the concept of Eternity. The Hindus and Muslims also believe that God transcends time and His eternity is eternal.
Another attribute associated with God is omnipresence. Theists say that God is associated with the attribute of omnipresence because nothing can be nowhere. This means that God is beyond time and space. The Muslims and the Hindus believe that God is associated with time and space because the Word of God says that God is in time and the heaven and the earth are in the same place. In the end, God is said to be almighty because He transcends all other attributes.
The Muslim concept of God includes all the attributes mentioned above in a special way. The attribute of Unity is followed by all the attributes like attribute of Eternity, the attribute of creation, the attribute of existence, the attribute of knowledge and the last one is the attribute of Allah. Each of the above mentioned attributes are associated with God if you do an analysis between each of them. If you do the same analysis between all the attributes listed above then you will come to know that there are no other attributes like unity.
Now, let us talk about God concept attributable qualities. These attributes are the things which are mentioned in the Koran and other sacred texts. Theists believe that the essence of God is almighty. They believe that the Demiurge of Babylonism created the attributes of God as revealed in the sacred texts. They say that the attributes of God are not from nowhere and they are not from the Demiurge but the sacred texts itself says that God is almighty, perfect, powerful, knowledgeable, compassionate and omniscient.
Then, we have the concept attributed to the attributes of God as described above. According to theists it is God’s omnipotence, omniscience, perfect power, knowledge, happiness and perfection. If you do a study between all the attributes listed above and God’s attribute and you will find out that the attribute of omnipotence is from nowhere and the attribute of omniscience and perfect power is from the divine mind and the attribute of knowledge is associated with intellect which is omnipresent.