In Canada, there are many social and economic problems that are caused by youth alcohol consumption. Youth alcohol use has been identified as one of the most serious problems of the Canadian society. As indicated, the social and economic impact on family life, school and community is enormous.
Youth alcohol use has become a major and increasing concern in many Canadian communities. There have been many studies on the negative health effects caused by alcohol use among youth. The studies have shown that frequent alcohol use leads to higher risks of contracting Hepatitis B and cirrhosis of the liver. Youth are more likely to suffer from depression, drug abuse, anxiety, school dropouts and higher chances of getting involved in crime. They are also at greater risk for physical and mental health problems like increased risks of osteoarthritis, cataracts and chronic sinusitis. In some communities, there has been a notable increase in criminal activities like murders and suicides.
Youth alcohol abusers are also at an increased risk of getting involved in criminal activity. They are more likely to suffer from depression, drug abuse and anxiety and may have higher chances of getting involved in crime. There are also studies that suggest that youth who drink excessively at an early age are more likely to suffer from social problems like violence, social alienation and poor educational performances. Furthermore, they have higher chances of developing substance dependency and other related health problems.
Aside from the social problems that are caused by excessive alcohol use, there are also some clear implications of alcohol use on the quality of life. Alcohol has a marked impact on the quality of life of an individual. The most obvious is the effect it has on the family structure. Research shows that alcoholics have significantly lower family satisfaction than non-alcoholic individuals.
Youth alcohol abusers are usually the children of parents that have an alcohol problem. This makes it even more difficult for them to adjust in a family environment that is characterized by constant conflict and disregard for personal needs. Studies indicate that the negative impact of alcohol on the family life is more pronounced among youth who are exposed to peer pressure. It is these youths who usually do not receive support from adults and are forced to turn to friends for help or solace. Consequently, they are at greater risk of experiencing delinquency, stealing, burglary and other criminal activities in their early adult life.
Research also indicates that the early use of alcohol may also cause more serious health complications in the future. Youth that become alcohol dependent while still young have greater risks of encountering mental health problems such as bipolar disorder, substance abuse and anxiety as they enter their adult life. It is common knowledge that the use of alcohol can lead to lasting physical and psychological health consequences. However, studies have shown that the use of alcohol may also have negative effects on the quality of life of an individual. This can lead to family problems, poor school performance, unemployment and reduced earning capacity.
Youth alcohol abuse can have detrimental effects on the quality of life and social outcome of a family. The reduction in family life, job loss and social exclusion can have a profound effect on an individual’s ability to form bonds with others in his/her life. These consequences are especially detrimental if the youth has experienced abuse during the early years of his/her life. The negative consequences of alcohol on the quality of life can lead to costly treatments, rehabilitation and social programs that could have been avoided if the youth had only curbed the drinking habits. It is imperative that all efforts should be made to minimize the alcohol use among children in order to protect their overall quality of life. Further, it is important to provide alcohol abusers with the best possible resources in order to improve their life and the quality of their family life.
Preventing youth alcohol usage is the key to preventing the negative effects of alcohol on one’s health and social life. A parent’s consistent commitment in preventing a child from alcohol abuse is key. In order to prevent a child from becoming involved in any kind of alcohol-related activities or organizations, parents must be able to establish clear rules that prohibit inappropriate behavior and promote responsible behavior in the children. Parents must also teach their children how to recognize when they are drinking alcohol and how to avoid drinking alcohol if they decide to do so. This information is important because it will help children make the distinction between harmless fun and dangerous peer pressure. Effective prevention programs must also include strategies to reduce youth access to alcohol.