Body Mind Intellect is the ability to perceive and comprehend the world around us. Our Body Mind Intellect is something like our inner mind, or the soul, but stronger. And it is a direct result of our personal experiences and interactions with others. Body Mind Intellect is the key to making faith in the Real World a success for each individual. To get a better understanding of Body Mind Intellect read further.
The body of human beings has a powerful, inner intellect which makes them able to interact with all sorts of people, situations, learn from their mistakes, and grow from whatever they face in their lives. But does the body really know its own limits and potentials? Are we as individuals constantly growing in wisdom, changing, evolving, and maturing? Is it possible to measure our intellectual capacities?
Human beings are unique in that their body knows the limits and capabilities of the mind, but not both. The brain is the control center of the body, but our body also limits and does not let us exceed its potential. As a result, we live in a continual struggle to discover what the brain can do, while also recognizing that it is within our power to do much more. We have come so far in the development of the human body, that we no longer need the assistance of another person to survive. Nevertheless, we still need communication with each other and with the universe in general to keep our sanity, and our bodies healthy and strong.
What is the proper balance between body and mind? How do you get your information across to your brain if you have inadequate knowledge? How do you balance your emotional state with your intellectual knowledge? “How is the Body Mind Intellect connected?”
In order to understand how Body Mind Intellect is related to the mind, it is necessary to examine how our bodies communicate with each other. It is possible to understand how communication occurs when one body is injured. When that body’s nervous system is damaged, it sends signals in a variety of ways. When the injury to the brain occurs, the damaged part of the nervous system sends signals from the brain to the injured body part or parts. That is how messages are received and understood.
In order to examine how Body Mind Intellect relates to the mind, it is necessary to examine the way messages are transmitted from the brain to the rest of the body. Messages travel from the brain through the spinal cord, up the spinal column, to the arms, legs, and hands. Then they travel to the rest of the body through the nerves, and the organs that are part of the body. Some of those messages, such as pain messages, are processed in the conscious mind. Other messages, such as excitement or fear messages, are not processed and cannot be understood by the conscious mind unless the appropriate experience is had with the mind to trigger the emotion or reaction.
Body Mind Intellect can be seen as a muscle. The mind has many muscles; all of which respond to different stimuli. A message travels from the brain and reaches the appropriate body part for which it is designed. That is, if you are speaking, the vocal chords are in the mouth, but the nose is responsible for receiving the sound, the brain sends the “vocal chord” a message, and then the nerves carry it down the spinal column and to the rest of the body. That is the essence of Body Mind Intellect.
The mind responds to stimulation from body parts such as the eyes, ears, hand, fingers, feet, abdomen, brain, etc. When the body part which is receiving the signal decides to respond, the signal is processed and is sent back to the brain for interpretation. So Body Mind Intellect is nothing more than the communication process between the brain and the body. It is the brain translating the body’s messages to formulate a thought or idea.