Work Energy Power – What Is It?

Work Energy Power or WEP is the energy a system uses to do work and convert it to mechanical power. Kinetic Energy, also known as Work Energy, is energy that a system must work to produce a measurable amount of motion. The measurement of power is the sum of all the components of work or the total amount of energy required to move a system from its rest state to its working state. It is measured in joules (J), grams (g), pounds per second (lbs), and seconds (s).

The measurement of power is usually in WEP or in J/kg, but G scale is usually used in engineering analysis and experiments. One of the main characteristics of Work Energy is that, if the input energy is constant, then the output energy will also be constant, or it will continue to grow without change. This is called a zero watt balance. If the power output decreases when the input energy increases, then the output power will decrease in proportion to the decrease in input energy.

Potential Energy, or the force that an object exerts against any medium with a potential to store energy is called kinetic energy. Potential power or force cannot be changed infinitely. Kinetic energy can be measured in watts per second (WPS). There are four units of measurement for measurements of kinetic energy: Units of measure for Work Energy are: J, g, lbs, and s. J is a measure of work (per hop). A good rule of thumb for estimating potential power is the inverse of the size of the body and potential force. For example, if a car weighs one ton, then it would take approximately four hop moves (using the vehicle’s momentum) to move the car from its resting position to its running position.

The next factor in calculating power is the unit of measure for displacement. The size of the system is in turn inversely proportional to the size of the input electric current and in turn proportional to the output electric current. A one-watt light bulb will produce one millionth of a Siemens; one megawatt bulb will produce one billion volts of power. It should be noted that the term “displacement” is not related to the actual amount of power produced, but rather the amount of force that is required to bring a system from its resting position to its running position.

A third factor to consider is the “scalar quantity” of electric force applied to the system. The actual physical amount of power produced is dependent on this scalar quantity. In a non-physical method, such as with the potential energy approach, the actual power produced is equal to the output of the first derivative. With a physical method, however, the actual force applied produces the first derivative, which is defined as the product of the first derivative and the work performed. In the work done concept of physical quantities, the work performed is referred to as the force on the system.

The work units of a device are typically in wattage (Watts). A device’s wattage can be expressed as the power required to move an object one meter in a single direction or one meter per second. In other words, one watt is one joule, which is a measure of energy per second. Another way to state it is one watt per second. An example of this is the television, which is considered a power source.

One can also express the work performed as the force per distance, which is expressed as the force divided by the distance. A positive number means that the object will move faster while a negative number means it will go slower. The final component of the work force is the displacement, which is the change in an object’s location. If the force per distance is constant then the displacement will be zero. However, if it changes from zero to some number between zero and one, then the displacement will be positive.

A good example to explain the concept of work-energy power is to consider the spring. As the spring moves it creates an impulse, which when it hits the floor, produces a compression in the material it’s striking. That is a force applied on a surface, which changes the object’s position. The difference between the initial value of the compression and the final value is the work-energy power of the spring. It can be visualized as the amount of force, which is produced, divided by the time it takes to get the desired effect.