Cooking Time and Preparation of Burnt Aubergine Veggie chili

Cooking time is one of the most important things to take into consideration when working with any type of raw food. It doesn’t matter how good your recipe is, if you’re not going to cook it to the appropriate cooking time, the flavour won’t come through! If you are going to use the Burnt Aubergine as an ingredient in a recipe and the ingredients have cooking time associated with them, you will want to measure out the amount of each ingredient you’ll be using before you begin your cooking process. There’s no point in cooking something that isn’t going to come through!

For this recipe, I’ve used my KitchenAid stand mixer and it makes the whole process go much smoother and faster. The burnt aubergine veggie chilli has taken around two hours to prepare but after simmering on a stove top for about 2 hours it easily comes through and provides a delicious flavour. The ingredients you’ll need for this recipe are: two tablespoons of dried mustard seeds, a tablespoon of dried tomato paste, a quarter teaspoon of dried oregano, some grounded salt, a quarter teaspoon of coriander powder, and a quarter teaspoon of dried Rosemary.

Once you have prepared these items, all you have to do is add the ingredients for your Burnt Aubergine Veggie Chilli and let the mixture cook on a low heat for approximately twelve minutes. Once done, you can serve the dish with either a wedge of lime or orange and sprinkle over some grated cheese for a nice flavor. This dish really hits the spot and is well worth trying.