Blanching Your Sweet Potatoes

Blanching is part of the cooking process in many cultures including Italian, Chinese, and Thai. It is a vital part of the cooking method known as frying. Blanching is a process of quickly heating food in order to remove any excess moisture and tenderize it. This process is most often used to cook green vegetables and starches such as beans and potatoes.

Under-cooked or over-cooked vegetables can be a pain in the neck. Under-cooked vegetables lack the nutrients and flavor normally found in well-cooked ones. Over-cooked greens wilting, losing their color and succulence are common issues when blanching. Over-boiling causes loss of essential vitamins and iron and is actually worse than not boiling at all. It also steams vegetables and makes them harder to pack.

There are three methods of cooking green vegetables: boiling, steaming and dry frying. The first two are best done in large pots or large pans with wide, thin metal lids that are screwed to the lid. The smaller, more portable wire basket blanchers can be used for boiling and for small pieces that are less than a quarter inch across. For larger pieces like potatoes or carrots, blanching in a medium pot with a wire basket is the best way.

Blanching usually takes about 30 minutes and it doesn’t take much time if you know what you’re doing. You’ll need a large pot or pan, a wire mesh basket and a couple of tools: a sharp knife and an ice bath. For the first step, fill the pot or pan with about two inches of cold water and bring it to a boil. When the water hits the vegetables, immediately drop the slices into the water bath.

Once the vegetables are submerged, cover the pot tightly and let it steep for about five minutes. Once the water has finished steeping, turn off the heat and cover the pot tightly again. Let the vegetables sit for about five minutes to allow the flavors to permeate the flesh. In the next five minutes you can begin the cooking. Begin by gently removing the vegetables from the heat and putting them on a plate.

When the vegetables are cool enough to handle, take them out of the water. Now it’s time to rinse them carefully with cold water and then pat them dry. Once you’re sure all the dirt is removed (if there’s any) place them in a colander to absorb all the remaining water. Once that’s done, it’s time to serve and enjoy your baked sweet potatoes.