What’s So Good About Mustard Greens?

People have been eating mustards since prehistoric times. They are popular worldwide, especially in southern cuisine. And because of the health benefits that have been associated with eating this vegetable, there is no reason why you shouldn’t include it as part of your regular diet. Read on to learn more about its nutritional value and health benefits.

Mustard greens are rich in dietary fiber and essential fatty acids that are important to your health. When researchers study the nutritional value of fresh fruits and vegetables, no category of phytochemicals has received more attention than that of the group called “phytochemicals.” Phenol, a chemical compound found in many varieties of Mustard greens, is one of the phytochemicals that provide health benefits. Specifically, this antioxidant compound helps prevent cancer formation and may prevent degenerative diseases.

But the most important feature of Mustard greens is the nutritional value of the various parts of the plant. Among these parts are the greens (sometimes called “capsicum,” “mustards,” or “spiro” in Spanish) that make up the core of the plant. These greens contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients that are important to your overall health. Some of the most important nutritional components of these greens are antioxidants, vitamin E, beta carotene, vitamin C, dietary fibers, flavonoids, and dietary fiber. These phytochemicals serve a number of functions, including:

As mentioned above, another important aspect of Mustard greens is their contribution to dietary fiber. Fruits and vegetables that are high in dietary fiber are less likely to trigger constipation, which is very beneficial to those who have difficulty maintaining proper dietary habits due to their bowel issues. This includes both adult and child suffer from constipation.

Besides helping you maintain a healthy diet, Mustard greens are also good for you. Like fruits and vegetables, they help provide your body with a wide range of essential nutrients that are important for your overall health. Unlike other fruits and vegetable types, however, Mustard greens and other variants of the plant contain a large amount of polyphenols. These chemicals are powerful antioxidants that help fight off the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals cause damage in your cells and cause other health problems, including cancer and disease. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals before they do any damage.

As you can see, Mustard greens are a nutritional powerhouse, providing a host of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for your diet. You needn’t limit your intake of this leafy green vegetable, just because it doesn’t look like much. In fact, they are so colorful and fragrant that eating them will keep you coming back for more. Try making them one of your side dishes instead of your main course food. No doubt you’ll enjoy the nutritional value and benefits that accompany these colorful vegetables.