Top Insoluble Fiber Foods for Your Daily Diet

Chickpeas are small, white, seeds covered, legumes that are easily digested and found in many Middle Eastern cuisines. Chickpeas are usually soaked overnight and eaten the next day. Chickpea spreads are the popular alternative option for traditional dips or spread for foods like pasta, tacos, salads, soups, or stews. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of Chickpeas, the popular alternative “health food” that you can add to your diet today.

Chickpeas have a lot of protein, vitamin A, iron, zinc, and copper, which makes them good sources of nutrition for the health-conscious eaters. Traditional humus is a rich, nutrient rich dip or spread made of cooked, mashed chickpeas mixed with tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, and herbs. Chickpeas and hummus are both very tasty but are different from one another in their nutrition value. People who are not health conscious would rather eat baked or grilled hummus than fried chicken or hummus spread. Chickpeas and hummus are similar in tastes as well, except for the fact that humus is actually made by soaking dry chickpeas overnight and cooking it in a variety of traditional dishes such as in pita sandwiches or in salads.

Chickpeas and hummus are both rich in fiber and protein and provide excellent sources of nutrients, especially vitamins A, B, C, E and K. Chickpeas are also rich sources of iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Chickpeas are a great source of zinc, which helps prevent anemia in people who are not getting enough of the metal through food consumption. Chickpeas are also a good source of calcium, magnesium and potassium. Potassium aids in proper blood circulation and magnesium keeps our bones strong.

Chickpeas are also a good source of soluble fiber and a soluble fiber rich diet helps to keep the colon clean and healthy. Soluble fiber absorbs excesses of water and helps to keep us hydrated. Soluble fiber binds to cholesterol and other pollutants in the colon and helps to remove them from the body. Soluble fiber also helps to regulate our stomach functions, stimulates the intestines and minimizes constipation. Chickpeas are also known to be a short chain fatty acid that prevents colon cancer and boosts colon health.

Chickpeas are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, making them excellent food choices, especially for people on a restricted calorie diet or those trying to lose weight. Chickpeas may also help prevent heart disease because they have been reported to lower blood cholesterol levels. The potassium in chickpeas may also help to prevent heart disease. If you eat enough cooked and raw vegetables you will be able to get all of the nutrients that are in these foods, but you can always eat more than you think you need.

Chickpeas are packed with nutrients. They are a complete food with all the vitamins, minerals, protein and other nutrients you need to stay healthy. They also contain vitamins B, A, E and K, which are great for your immune system and important for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Chickpeas have no trans fat, gluten or allergens so they are very safe to eat as part of a balanced diet. There are several recipes available online that use chickpeas in a delicious non-fattening sauce to offer healthy, tasty alternatives to fried foods.