3 Reasons Why Every Weight Loss Supplement Needs Vanilla Extract

Vanilla, sometimes called “nutmeg” by native Americans, is a spicy herbal powder that dates back to ancient times. It is found in many places around the world and was originally used as a food additive. Today it is grown as a crop all over the world. Although it has not been proven to have medicinal uses, it is known to be a pleasant flavor, which is one reason it is a favorite spice for many different cuisines.

There are several places where you can buy vanilla extracts from, including online markets where you can purchase a variety of different types of extracts from around the world. In the United States, you can find vanilla growing in California, Washington State, Idaho, and Oregon. The vanilla bean is extracted from the shell using a steam distillation process to yield a concentrated form of vanilla. This extract can then be added to many different dishes, including ice creams and candies, or added to coffee.

The benefits of vanilla, or “nutmeg” as it is often called, actually stem from its two major chemical constituents: carotene and potassium. Carotene, a yellowish pigment, is responsible for giving vanilla its golden color, although other colors can be produced as well, including pink, green, orange, and blue. A deficiency of carotene results in hair loss, development of deformed eyes, and pale skin; however, excess amounts of vitamin A can cause the body to produce too much of it, leading to an increased risk of colon cancer. In addition to being a natural antioxidant, vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin, bones, teeth, and organs. For these reasons, dietary vitamin A is important, and vanilla is a great source of it.

Another common component of vanilla, and another reason why it is so popular as a food, is its antimicrobial properties. Vanilla possesses powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties that make it a popular choice for the treatment of infection and digestive disorders. It has even been used in some places to help fight HIV and AIDS. Antimicrobial properties aside, cardamom is also a natural antiseptic that acts against common, minor infections such as acne and scratches. Cardamom has been shown to possess anti-viral, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties as well.

Last but not least, the powerful stimulant effect of vanilla extracts are the result of its high level of catechins (flavonoids). Catechins act as antioxidants, removing free radicals from the body that may contribute to damage caused by free radicals. In addition to its health benefits as an antioxidant, catechins are known to prevent tooth decay and stimulate the circulatory system. Since vanilla is rich in tannin, theobromine, and caffeine, it is likely that any weight-loss supplement with these ingredients can also contain caffeine.

Vanilla’s powerful antioxidants provide yet another reason why it is such a popular nutritional supplement. Antioxidants boost the body’s immune system, making it stronger and more able to fight off disease. Vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B2, and vitamin E are just a few vitamins that are more effectively boosted by antioxidants. Although they are mainly found in fruits and vegetables, including blueberries, they may be taken in supplement form. The combination of high antioxidant levels, along with the nutrients provided by vanilla, make this supplement an excellent choice.