Using Sweet Lemons and Limes for Health Benefits

Sweet Lemon (Citrus Limon, ) is an important citrus fruit grown in Iran. The bitter taste of this fruit is known to many, while its nutritional value and medicinal properties are not commonly known. One of the places where this fruit grows abundantly in Iran is Ghagvat. This is one of the places where the sweet lemon has been processed into juices and various drinks.

Iranian scientists have discovered the benefits of Sweet Lemon Fruit inside the human body. There has been much research on the health benefits of this exotic fruit. Sweet Lime juice has a variety of health benefits like anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal, sedative, astringent, as well as anti-cancer. Some of the medicinal properties of this sweet lemon fruit include: improving cardio-vascular system functioning, improving liver functions, strengthening the immune system, lowering cholesterol levels, activating glucose metabolism, stimulating cell growth, regulating blood pressure, strengthening the reproductive system, regulating blood sugar levels, improving kidney functions, strengthening the detoxification function, treating asthma, treating depression, improving blood circulation, and preventing tumor growth. All these benefits make it very popular fruit for health conscious individuals.

The fresh sweet lemon juice has a very strong taste that leaves a sweet aftertaste on the tongue. Because of this, Iranian scientists have developed a sweet lemon seed tea which can be used as a medicine for treating cough, flu, colds, depression, diarrhea, irritability, insomnia, high blood pressure, sore throat, kidney diseases, respiratory problems, as well as hepatitis. One of the medicinal properties of this lemon seed tea is that it can stimulate the release of T-cells in the bone marrow. It has been scientifically proved that this citrus fruit has the capacity to provide a huge amount of vitamins and minerals to the body through its sweet taste as well as its medicinal properties.

Sweet lemon has a long shelf life and does not spoil easily. However, it must be kept away from extremely cold temperatures because the winter chill will kill it. When buying this citrus fruit always check the expiry date or the shelf life of the product you wish to buy. Sweet lemon is available throughout the year, however the best time to buy them is from mid-to-late October.

Sweet lime is another great fruit that has great health benefits. This citrus fruit is also known as Persian citron with a sweet taste. It is harvested by hand and has a pungent taste that makes it distinctively different from its tangerine counterpart. This fruit comes with a long shelf life and it can be stored for up to 5 years when frozen.

Citrus fruits are one of the most amazing foods when it comes to its medicinal properties. They are very good sources of vitamin C, Vitamin A and potassium. It is therefore no wonder that they have become popular all over the world for medicinal purposes. These sweet lime and sweet lemon varieties are not only good sources of medicinal compounds, but they are also excellent food items that are rich in nutritional value. Therefore, try to make some delicious recipes using these beautiful citrus fruits.