Arugula is actually one of the few brassica group vegetables, along with cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage. These vegetables are extremely rich in antioxidants and also high in fibers, which studies reveal can help lower your risk of developing colon, breast, prostate and pancreatic cancers. They are rich in a compound called protein that works as an antioxidant that protects the cells against oxygen damage. The health benefits of this vegetable come from the powerful compounds present in the protein molecule.
Arugula helps you maintain a healthy weight, is a very good source of minerals and vitamins and helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. It provides your body with lots of dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, niacin and thiamin. Studies show that a good amount of Arugula can help reduce your risk of diabetes. This implies that a good level of vegetable intake is very important for human health.
A diet rich in leafy green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus is proven to lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. This implies that if you have an increased intake of leafy green vegetables, it can help you keep your blood sugar at a normal level. A diet high in leafy vegetables, along with foods rich in carbohydrates, protein and whole grains reduces the risk significantly. Also it helps to control your cholesterol level.
Studies have revealed that spinach contains a substance called betaine that helps to control glucose levels in the blood stream. This shows that you can lower your risk of getting type 2 diabetes by taking spinach on a regular basis. Some other studies have shown that Arugula has a type of nitric oxide, which can also help to keep the glucose level stable and prevent fluctuations. Arugula can be taken as a supplement, as it contains all the essential nutrients in balanced amounts. As an important add on, drinking green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli and asparagus also adds to the nutritional value of your meal.
Other beneficial components include flavonoids and trophic antioxidants that contribute to keeping your blood vessels healthy and also regulate insulin and glucose production. Flavonoids include asparagolates, quercetin and resveratrol, which are powerful antioxidants found in the plant around plants which act as powerful activators of metabolism by activating thermogenic enzymes. They enhance the absorption of food in your intestines and help to remove excess fat.
Other dietary assessment methods include food frequency questionnaires and food records, which are not considered as a reliable source of dietary assessment methods. The reason for this is that they can lead you astray as some foods may not contain enough of these nutrients while others are lacking in one or more of them. Another drawback of using these methods is that they do not provide sufficient information about the quantity of the nutrient present in a food. Hence, even if your health plan recommends Arugula as part of your diet, it does not mean that you would be consuming enough of it.