Green beans come from a bean that looks like a bean pod but is hollow inside. Green beans are probably most famous for their flavorful pods, no matter what name is used for them or why someone has given a particular name to them. While the shell gives green beans their distinct look, the inside of the pod tends to be virtually transparent since the seeds can easily be seen when the bean is opened up. However, in the US the most common name for this vegetable is “beans,” even though there are some related bean vegetables also produced in the same field of specialty crops as green beans.
The various health benefits of green beans are due in large part to the soluble fiber that is located inside the bean. Soluble fiber helps with constipation, promotes better digestion, reduces cholesterol and helps prevent cancer. It also lowers the risk of developing heart disease and may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Green beans fiber helps prevent atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries, and may lower your risk of stroke and certain types of cancer.
Wax Beans originates from the Andes Mountains in Chile, and is part of the Capsicum family. It’s the edible part of the bean that gives it its tasty flavor, however, other parts of the bean have little to no taste. Wax beans are one of the most popular legumes among American consumers. It is typically consumed raw or cooked, although the cooking releases the more beneficial, nutritious fiber found within the bean. Because of its energy-giving and nutritional value, eating a serving of wax beans has more calories than any other legume, including the more popular legumes such as kidney beans and cowpeas.
Unlike many other legumes, green beans can be used both to add flavor and fiber to a wide variety of foods. They can be added whole into stews, casseroles, chili, hot dogs and much more. They can even be added whole into baked goods, like chocolate cakes, muffins and pie fillings. Green bean varieties can also be found in bottled products, such as juices, soft drinks and vitamin supplements.
Not only are green beans versatile but they can also be eaten as a snack or enjoyed raw. They are very easy to snap open, and can hold a surprising amount of weight depending on the size of the seed. Peanuts and pistachios tend to be harder to chew, but with the smaller seeds in a smaller pod, green beans will definitely go down easy.
The greatest thing about green beans is how fast they can be digested. They quickly enter the bloodstream, and because of that, they are extremely effective when it comes to getting rid of toxins from the system. When consumed in the raw form, or combined with other fruits, they can be very beneficial in increasing the number of calories that are burned, as well as increasing the energy level for exercising. If you enjoy smoothies or drinking other juices with a fair amount of fructose, then this type of food product should be part of your daily regimen. Try out some snap beans today!