Biology is the study of living things and living organisms through scientifically-documented and peer-reviewed, rigorous scientific research techniques. Modern biology is a relatively new field of study because it was not studied in ancient cultures, but instead, was studied almost exclusively by experts from other disciplines. Ever since the beginning of modern technology, science has advanced at an amazing rate. One of the fastest and most exciting areas of modern biology is genetics, with many topics being researched into the causes and treatments of diseases and genetic disorders.
There are two main methods of science used to study living organisms, these are the natural and the laboratory methods. Natural biology uses patterns found in nature to study the development of living organisms, such as bacteria and plants. Laboratory research on living organisms is performed using specialized equipment that emulate the same environment that the organisms would be found in.
One of the most common types of biological material studied in biology is DNA. The DNA code is used to describe the hereditary makeup of living organisms. A person’s DNA is made up of pairs of DNA letters, which can be altered by changing the sequence of the letters. Scientists have identified hundreds of different types of DNA and their function.
One of the areas of modern biology that is used to test the genetic makeup of living organisms is microbial, or genetics. It is also commonly called DNA sequencing and genetic analysis. There are several different ways to sequence DNA and sequence it correctly is vital for the understanding of biology. Without the correct sequence, you could have a completely different definition of life!
The study of biology involves a number of sub disciplines including molecular biology, physiology, and Biochemistry. These sub disciplines are closely related and each one has its own purpose within modern research and study of biology. These scientific disciplines all play an important role in the overall study of the living world. Let’s take a look at each of these major branches of modern biology:
Within the field of biology there are many areas and sub disciplines which have developed because of the uniqueness of the individual scientist. One of the major branches of modern biology that deals with the cell is called cell and protein biology. In this area of study, scientists look at how living organisms grow and divide. Cells form and function, and how they go about producing their specific proteins, building blocks of the body. One of the key takeaways from this area of study is that all cells carry DNA, which is the same throughout all living things.
Another area of modern scientific research and study is through the use of peer review. Peer review is when scientists review papers written by other scientists. In this process, the more qualified the scientists are who write the peer reviews, the more useful they are to the general public. Some key terms related to peer review are “scientific integrity”, “peer review” and “academic freedom”.
Many other sub disciplines within the field of biology have developed because of unique circumstances and interests. Each of these branches of study have formed their own solid foundation of scientific work over time and continue to do so as new discoveries are made. As new forms of scientific research and development are developed and made available to the public, these previously unknown sub disciplines of biology will also continue to play an important role in the overall structure of modern science.
One of the most important methods of experimental design in modern times has been through the use of a control group and an experimental group. The control group controls the variables of an experiment without actually performing the actual experiment. This is often done to study how the variables can affect each other without actually creating an experiment with real life results. Examples of common control groups in modern scientific research include gender, race, and age.
One branch of modern applied science that has developed since the 1970’s is called molecular biology. With molecular biology, scientists learn about the function of molecules and the various different types of cells that make up organisms. It is commonly known as the science of genetics because it incorporates the study of DNA. With the ability to map the DNA, scientists have been able to create a great deal of knowledge about the function of the DNA in diverse organisms.
Biology has a large impact on society. There are many important roles that biology plays in our health, culture, and society. Although the area of biology has a wide variety of topics, many people specialize in only one or two areas of it. As society continues to develop more scientific knowledge, many gaps in scientific knowledge will continually be filled by applied science. Advances in technology and related fields will undoubtedly continue to enhance the scope of biology in society for the time being.