The Five Nature of the Mind – What it means For You

The philosophy of the Indian philosophers begins with the observation that matter and the consciousness of the material world are at odds with each other, producing what we observe. The five nature of the universe and nature of the mind holds much truth in this observation, as the material realm is composed of diverse kinds of matter, and the conscious mind is only the method by which we come to apprehend reality. The five nature of the universe and nature of the mind is that there is a duality of things, that both exist simultaneously and that our actions produce both kinds of objects.

This duality is not new. It has been probed by hundreds of generations of thinkers, and each generation came away with a different answer. The Hindu philosophers opine that matter and the mind exist in the vacuum of nothingness, and that consciousness emerges from the combination of matter and the mind, forming the world we see around us. The Buddhist philosophers say that while matter and the mind are eternal, the human mind is transformed into an animal in the empty of the body, forming a base from which to achieve enlightenment.

The Indian philosophers looked at life differently. The five nature of the universe and nature of the mind hold a common theme in that they say that everything is changeable, including your mind, which is an element in impermanence and change. Everything in the universe is subject to change. Everything also has an effect on other things. This includes your mind, which produce your behavior and your behavior produce other things. The five nature of the universe and nature of the mind thus tell us that we are affected by all that we do, that our choices affect the world around us and that there is no central agent for the good or bad that occurs in life.

In short, there is nothing you can do, no single event that brings about the end of the world, as the Indian philosophers maintained. The world is impermanent, and changes without warning, creating an environment that determines what we experience and react to, creating a never-ending series of events. If you are lucky, life will treat you well. If you are not so fortunate, you will suffer terrible consequences. The good and bad you do to other people and circumstances, the happiness and sadness you experience are all affected by your mind, which is in turn shaped by your actions.

According to the Indian philosophers, each person is born with an immaterial mind. Theirs was a mind that is not sensitive to the five physical components of the body: the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, and the blood. These are the elements that determine whether or not you will die a violent death or if you will go insane. When your mind becomes attached to one of these elements, you become liable to death or insanity. It is this that they believe poisons and actions have a direct effect on the five nature of the universe.

The mind that is attached to the five elements of the body can be described as dense, sluggish, thick, heavy, and slow. The mind is not a muscle that can be flexed or strengthened, but rather it is a substance that can only be affected and manipulated by other people, through actions, words, and thoughts. The only way in which it can be changed is through the actions of others. Your own thoughts create your mind, your thoughts determine your body, and your body determines your state of mind.

According to the Indian philosophers, your life is only as good as the kind of actions you choose to take. The kind of actions you choose to take will determine how quickly you live, how effectively you live, how well you can serve others, and how much you can achieve in your personal life. If your actions are not according to the five nature of the universe, then there is a reason for that. You may be living life as you normally would, but you are not living life to the fullest.

In order to change your life you must change your mind. The kind of mind that you have determined the body you have. A lethargic mind cannot run very fast or efficiently, but a strong, vibrant, and active mind will live a long time. A dull mind cannot think deeply or be creative, but a thought-spreading, passionate mind will produce great results. This is the fifth nature of the mind, and it is one of the most important things to understand about yourself.