Kidney Bean – Nutritional Value and Antioxidant

Kidney Bean is the second most important legume after the pea. It is a rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other nutrients. Let’s talk about its nutritional value and health benefits.

There are several classifications of kidney bean, including: – Red kidney bean(r), surk (red in India, long in Pakistan), kahveh (cocoa in West Asia), husk (wild bean in Arabia), rauya (wild red cherry in east Asia) and baobab (cocoa butter beans in west Africa). The variation of these names reflects their processing methods. The content of nutrients (especially of proteins & amino acids) in a bean can vary according to variety. For example: – Red kidney bean is an extremely low-protein, low-amyloid bean with low-amyloid accumulation, low-oxidization ability, high fiber, insoluble fiber content.

It is also rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, magnesium, sodium, silicon, and zinc. This bean is also used to treat urinary tract infection, colitis, diabetes, hypertension, nausea, constipation, heartburn, excessive acidity and gastritis. According to Ayurvedic texts, kidney bean is an important food for those suffering from:

All these mentioned health benefits of this bean are due to its rich protein content. Food values of proteins, including albumen, globular, myoglobin, albumin, soluble fibers, total protein, and vitamin C are all taken into account when calculating food value. Also the presence of vitamin B complex, vitamin E, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, and halibeliosols helps in improving one’s health condition. A diet rich in foods like these can improve the immune system, which ultimately helps to protect the body from pathogens that cause diseases. These pathogens include bacteria, fungi, parasites and animal viruses.

Furthermore, the bean is also considered as nature’s antioxidant. It contains antioxidants that play an important role in preventing DNA damage and free radical formation. As such, the food value of bean helps to protect body cells against oxidative stress, damaging free radical scavenging effect, premature aging and cancer. It helps in promoting blood cell formation, which increases the oxygenation of blood. When food value of bean is combined with its other nutrients, it forms energy, which helps the body to work efficiently. In addition, it keeps the body refreshed and rejuvenated.

With the above information about the kidney bean and its nutritional properties, I hope that you can start considering the health benefits of taking this food. Not only it is a complete protein source but it also works well in keeping the body fit and functioning properly. Therefore, the next time you are eating food that has bean content, be sure that you are not only providing your body with a complete protein source but also that you are providing it with the nutrition that is required for optimum performance of the kidney.