Jack fruit is also known as Kashmir buckwheat, jackfruit tree or wild yam. The fruit is small and has a round shape that is coated with an edible powdery substance that has been extracted from the flesh of the fruit. This powdery substance contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that are needed by our body for proper cell regeneration, growth, and development. This nutrient content can be obtained by eating the fresh jackfruit or its product, Jackfruit extract. Since it has many health benefits, this fruit has been widely cultivated all over the world; even in Asia where most people cannot eat fresh fruits.
Jack fruit trees are cultivated mainly in Africa, Madagascar, India, Venezuela, the United States, and Brazil. It grows up to two meters high and the fruits have a large number of seeds. Although the fruit resembles a melon, the difference lies in its edible part that is filled with a nutritious flavor that makes it a favorite snack among children and adults alike. In addition, there is an even more nutritious filling that comes with its pulp. This pulp has carbohydrates, proteins, iron, calcium, and many other essential nutrients that make it the perfect food for children.
Unlike most fruits, Jackfruit has no seed but it does have a hard rind that makes it unique. A white spongy pulp that has a sweet and tangy taste is what we get when the ripe jackfruit is picked. As the jackfruit is being picked, the hard rind of the fruit is rubbed off to create the distinctive Jackfruit smell that we all love so much. The hard rind of Jackfruit seeds contains carbohydrates, iron, protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients that make it a perfect food for children. If you want to know more about the nutritional value of Jackfruit, you can also do a little research on the Internet.
It is important to keep your jackfruit trees protected during their flowering season (June-September). This is the time when these trees produce the nuts that will help you in your everyday fruit and vegetable consumption. The fruit starts to bloom when the trees are at the height of their flowering season and they look very beautiful when it blooms with its many flowers. You can place them on a tree trunk or hang them on the branches of your garden to enjoy their fresh aroma throughout the year.
Jackfruit trees also grow fruit trees which are called breadfruit trees. Breadfruit trees produce small edible fruit that is similar to a citrus fruit but smaller in size and they can be eaten just like fruit. The smaller size of a breadfruit tree makes it easier for one to eat them because they won’t burst into big pieces when they are picked. So if you are planning to buy a Jackfruit tree or two for your kitchen, don’t forget to include a breadfruit tree in your list.
Now that we have discussed all these fun facts about Jackfruits, I may want to tell you about my favorite delicacy: Pulled Pork. Although Jackfruits are mostly associated with fruits, you can also enjoy pulled pork with this delicious dessert. Although many people choose to go with ham, I personally prefer pulled pork. If you happen to live near a Chinese restaurant, you may want to try their version of pulled pork. They are either sweet or savory and it is easy to make at home.