The youth face various problems. They are facing problems like juvenile delinquency, vandalism, gangrene, robbery, domestic violence, sexual abuse, battering, and many other problems. The juvenile delinquency rate has increased a lot in recent years. There is an increasing problem of teenage pregnancy and there is nothing to stop the growth of this terrible menace. In other communities, especially those that are poor, alcoholism and drug abuse is extensively practiced. Various other criminal activities have also developed.
We know that prostitution is one kind of a business that is very profitable. It is estimated that prostitution is earning approximately $1 billion a year in the United States alone. Prostitution involves human sex trade, where a person is bought and sold for the purpose of commercial sex. Such acts of prostitution are condemned by the Holy See and the Holy Church. Prostitution is considered to be one kind of crime against the morality and decency of a human being.
The youth also face various criminal activities related to drugs. Teenagers are mostly involved in drug abuse. Various drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines are being used widely by the youths. The youth are addicted to these drugs either on a long term or short term basis. The main appeal of such drugs for the youth is their ease of availability.
The youth are also engaged in different criminal activities resulting in accidents and deaths. The driving while intoxicated, rash driving, fatal vehicle accidents, highway accidents, sexual assault, theft, kidnapping, home invasion, fraud, and several other such dangerous criminal activities have killed many young people in the past few years. The youth are now largely associated with drug abuse. They use the drugs to cope up with their emotional and psychological problems. These drugs destroy the life of the user and make him feel dependent upon them.
Another major issue faced by the youth is the increasing problems caused by internet addiction. Many young people today spend a large portion of their time on the internet. They chat with their friends, have a virtual friendship, email, instant messaging, etc. All these activities are very acceptable nowadays, because of the various safety measures implemented by the internet service providers. But this web addiction has created several other problems faced by the youth.
Lack of sex education is another significant problem faced by the youth. Even in the Christian religion, there is no mention of any sex education for teenagers. Most of the churches do not encourage the teaching of sex education to the younger generation because of the belief that sex is a gift from God and that the sexual activity should be strictly kept within the confines of the marriage.
Drug abuse is also a very serious problem faced by the youth. In most of the countries, the youth cannot find a proper place to buy drugs. They use the houses or their relatives and close friends as the drug vendors. This makes the task of finding drug rehab centers very difficult for the youth. It is in the context of these problems that the concept of spiritual awakening of the youth has been launched after some time.
The various criminal activities faced by the youth have not been mentioned above. But the list is almost endless. All the problems faced by the youth can be solved if they choose the right path. They must have complete faith in themselves and must understand that their destiny is tied up with their choices. This is the only possible way to overcome all the problems faced by the youth.