taking Care Of Spleen

One of the main reasons as to why kidney failure occurs is due to an improper or low intake of fluids. This can be taken care of by either consuming enough fluids or by taking care of spleen stones. When the kidneys fail to excrete the right amount of liquid waste from the body, it will result in the formation of kidney stones or spleen hemorrhoids. These are known to be caused by various types of food and drinks that have large quantities of excess calcium and magnesium, and these are usually acidic in nature.

The most common symptom one will experience after a long period of taking care of spleen with a high dosage of vitamin C or other minerals is loss of appetite. Some people may experience vomiting and diarrhea at the beginning. But eventually, after taking large amounts of vitamin C and other medications, the ability to absorb nutrients will be reduced significantly. As a result, one will often suffer from nausea and diarrhea, as well as loss of appetite and thirst. As the disease progresses, there will be loss of blood and possible organ dysfunction. Eventually, the patient will exhibit symptoms resembling those of diabetes or kidney disease, such as high blood pressure and decreased renal function.

To treat this disease, doctors will usually prescribe antibiotics, and in severe cases they may even resort to dialysis or transplantation of the organ. In addition to medicines to treat the disease, the patient will also need to be careful about what he/she eats. It is advisable for one to avoid taking medicines that are acidic, since these can further damage the kidneys or induce kidney diseases. However, if kidney failure has already been diagnosed, then one may resort to taking medicines and eating foods that are alkaline.

Natural methods of taking care of spleen problems involve the consumption of a lot of vitamin C, B12, magnesium, and potassium. It is advised to take foods that contain these nutrients in their raw and unprocessed forms. To get sufficient quantities of these nutrients in food, one may eat fresh fruits and vegetables, fish that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, poultry, legumes, seeds, and nuts. Moreover, drinking lots of fluids (water and lemonade in particular) is also recommended. Taking fish oil supplements is an effective method of increasing vitamin C intake without consuming food rich in this vitamin. However, it is important to remember that all these measures should be accompanied by regular exercise, balanced diets, and adequate rest.

When taking care of spleen problems, it is best to use herbal medicines and natural detoxification procedures. Herbal medicines include ginger, milk thistle, and bladder wrack, which stimulate the bile flow and increase the flow of urine, promoting urination. This helps in flushing the toxins out of the body. On the other hand, natural detoxification procedures involve taking of cleansers, which help in eliminating the junk foods and excess calories from the body and encourage the intake of healthy foods.

Some additional medicines which can help in taking care of spleen conditions are as follows: fenugreek, fennel seed, aloe vera, grapefruit pectin, oxerutins, papaya, grapefruit seed extract, slippery elm, and yellow dock. These medicines have the property to improve the functioning of the liver and help in fighting liver diseases. Apart from this, there are homeopathic medicines which are very useful in improving liver functioning. The medicines include pulsatilla, cataeroglossus, and scleranthus. For people who are already suffering from spleen dysfunction and are not very sure of the exact cause, they may opt for medicines like blood tonic, acupressure, acupuncture, guggul, and homeopathy.

There are various precautions and tips that are to be followed when taking care of spleen. A regular and consistent supply of liquid and food is to be provided to the spleen, as it is an organ which mainly deals with the food processing system of the body. In order to keep the spleen working properly and in perfect health condition, it is very important to exercise regularly, avoid alcohol consumption, avoid eating spicy and oily food, and avoid taking medicine for a long time. The spleen is very important and plays a very important role in human body’s metabolism, hence it should not be handled with kid’s gloves.

In order to take care of spleen problems, it is very important to follow all medicines and dietary guidelines given by the doctor. This way, we can prevent spleen disorders to a great extend and prevent any further damage to the liver. Keeping in mind all these precautions and steps will surely help in taking good care of the spleen.