There is no doubt that black beans have many health benefits. They are a reliable source of protein, iron, vitamins A, C, and E as well as potassium and fiber. The Health Benefits. Below are just a few of the many health benefits that are associated with this versatile vegetable.
Nutritional Value. Because it is a legume, black beans can provide protein and iron to our diet. It is also a safe source of fiber, which can help in promoting regularity in our digestive tract. In addition, black beans can help relieve diarrhea, colic, and other abdominal problems. Also, it can help to alleviate constipation.
High Vitamin Content. As it is a whole bean, it has high vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin D, thiamin, folate, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. In fact, all five of these vitamins are found in a whole serving of black beans. Because of this, they are considered an excellent source of vitamin B-complex. It is also important to note that black beans contain only 35 calories per serving, far less than other whole grain foods.
Nutritional Value & Cooking Options. Like all legume vegetables, black beans can be enjoyed raw or cooked. Because of its low water content, dried beans can retain most of its nutritional value. Cooked beans tend to lose moisture, while raw and dried peas are more likely to lose nutrients. If you prefer cooked beans, dried peas will retain more vitamin B-12 than cooked dried beans.
As previously mentioned, black beans can be eaten raw or cooked. The amount of water lost in cooking depends on the amount of heat used. When dried, black beans have almost twice as much fiber as fresh vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, or lettuce. This provides us with another reason to add them to our diet!
With little effort, you can make your own delicious meals. By including black beans in your daily diet, you will be taking steps to improve your health, lose weight, feel more energetic, have more energy, and even experience more benefits from your daily diet. To learn more about the health benefits of black beans, and how you can incorporate them into your diet today, register for a free copy of my latest eBook, “The Complete Food Guide”, which can be downloaded at my website listed below.
As you begin to learn about the health benefits of black beans, you will also learn about how they are low in calories and yet high in nutrition. This is because dried beans are rich in fiber, which helps to reduce your risk of developing health problems due to overeating. In addition, black beans are also high in potassium, which helps to regulate your heart rate and increase your energy. And, unlike other legumes, black beans contain less calories and yet more nutrients than many other types of food. This is why I highly recommend using them in your daily meal plan.
Unlike other types of legumes, which can be quite pricey, black beans are easily found at quality grocery stores and markets. In addition, many health food and natural health stores carry a wide variety of different legume brands, including Sunflower, Chili, or Soya bean brands. If you have trouble finding them in stores, many health food retailers like Whole Foods carry products that are commonly sold as “whfoods.” Whfoods are similar to frozen foods, only they are made from whole foods instead of processed flour, sugar, and artificial ingredients.