Many students are not aware of the definition of Magnetic Effects of Electricity as a source of power. If there’s someone who is still having difficulties in grasping Physics Class 10 then Magnetic Effects of Electricity notes can help you crack the test and get better grades in the end. For this purpose, there are certain points which should be considered when studying electricity as a conversion of kinetic energy to electrical energy. These are known as the definitions and effects of magnetic fields and they form the basis of explanations for how different sources of electricity behave and convert from one form to the other.
Let’s start off with a definition of Magnetic Field Lines first. A Magnetic Field is nothing but a continuously revolving symmetrical pattern of strongly attracted and repulsive force. These force pairs have nothing to do with gravity or the Planck’s Constant and are produced by the alignment of the field lines. There are three types of Magnetic Field Lines. There’s the North magnetic field line which goes around the earth while the South magnetic field line goes around the earth and the South Pole is the only point of the Earth where it does not rotate.
The most basic explanation of Magnetic Effects of Electricity is due to the presence of magnetic field lines that alternate in a spiraling manner. This spiraling movement is similar to the movement of fluid on a hinge. When the two ends of the hinge are touching each other, the fluid is able to move in a straight line. However, when the two ends of the hinge are apart, the fluid flows in a circular motion and then turns once again in the same pattern. Similarly, the current carrying straight conductor in an electricity generator will start from a single turn of the wire. As more turns of the wire are added, the current starts flowing in a similar manner.
In order to understand how the Magnetic Effects of Electricity works in a better way, we need to first understand how magnets work. We can think of a magnet as being made up of a bunch of little grains with poles along the long axis of the grain and with unipolar (opposite polarity) poles along the short axis. The long axis is always going in a clockwise direction while the short axis is always going in a counter clockwise direction. When you put two pieces of magnetized metal together, the magnetic field lines formed by their attraction and repulsion to form a spiral.
The main reason why a magnet has the Magnetic Effects of Electricity is because it contains both a north pole and a south pole. These two poles are opposite in both directions. If you remove one of the poles, the magnetic field produced by the other piece will change in magnitude. Let’s say that one of the poles is already moving in a clockwise direction and the other one is moving in a counter-clockwise direction; then removing that one will cause the magnitude of the induced field to change from a large one to a small one. The simplest example that I can give you for this is if the magnet is already moving in a North to South direction.
One of the main reasons why there is such a big difference between the magnitude of the induced magnetic field lines produced by magnets in different sizes, is because the magnet gets its energy from the magnetic field lines that it begins to attract and ends with. The other reason is that the smaller the magnet, the larger its electric repulsion field will be. This is why you find many small to mid-sized magnets in a battery or power generator. One of the best uses for the magnetic effects of electricity is for induction heating because they help induce heat inside a larger space, so the amount of energy needed to heat up a room or area becomes smaller.
One of the other uses of the magnetic fields created by electricity is for various electrical conductive uses. For instance, some people use them in coatings for protection against electromagnetic induction. There are also many uses for them in electronic motors. You’ll find some common uses of electromagnetic induction, such as motor windup, switching in relays, and induction heating. The uses go on.
This was all about the basics of the subject of magnetic effects of electric current. There are many more fascinating topics to be learned such as the effects of static electricity, the relationship between static electricity and motion, the internal and external effects of static electricity and the likes. If you want to learn more about it, then you should definitely start looking up more information about the subject using the internet.