Paramorphid Genetics – The Truth of the Nature of Paramorphs

Socrates once stated: “Nothing is eternal, nothing is real.” Given that Socrates was merely a little over seventy-five years old when executed by the Athenans in 404 BCE, this statement can be taken to mean that Parmenides must have been a very young man when he made these comments. This age-dating is reasonable, given the time frame in which Socrates offered these observations. By the time of the Persian War (431 CE) and the Roman conquest of the Mediterranean region, Athens had largely fallen to the dominance of the Romans, who governed the city with the military strength of the Greek princely domains. The decline in Athens’ cultural and intellectual life brought on by the decline of the city’s political power was dramatic, and it marked the beginning of the fall of the Hippocratic elite who founded the academy at the heart of the city.

A physical universe composed of living beings was naturalistic in nature. It involved no supernatural or immortal realm, as the philosophies of the time seemed to maintain. The fact that Socrates could say these things while his teachers looked on him as a heretic makes it seem that he regarded physical reality as something other than a physical reality. He looked to the natural order of the universe, the physical universe and the eternal truth of things.

Being nothing more than living bodies with changing forms, Parmenids share many attributes with the lower order of creatures. All matter, in its simplest form, consists of atoms. Although the atoms vary in size, composition, number, and arrangement, they remain bound together and remain in physical reality. The physical reality is composed of extended systems of interacting electrons, molecules, and cells. The atoms and molecules vary greatly in their chemical and electrical charges and in the number and specific types of particles that make up the system. There are times that matter exists in more than one state.

The atoms and molecules vary in spatial extent and in composition. The center of the Earth contains hydrogen, whereas the Sun contains helium. If the Sun were a planet outside our Solar System, its mass would be classified as “gaseous” and it would have an outer shell of rock-dust. In both hemispheres, however, the Sun emits radiation through radiation belts that stretch out and around the equator, which means that the temperature inside the Earth is always about the same regardless of the place of the Solar System on the horizon.

Although parmenides share many characteristics with insects, their body structure is much different. Their bodies are elongated with elongated necks and foreheads. They have wings that are broad and tapering to a narrow border, sometimes ending in delta-shaped marks along the crest of the wing. Their legs have evolved into claws.

Although most paramorphs can jump around a good distance, they cannot dive or cling on bare foot. Because of this, they evolved into a terrestrial animal and walk upon their hind legs. Their wings are held in place by pads of skin stretched over the bones. The toes also have hard spikes on the outer edge to assist in walking on bare feet without slipping.

When the Universal Laws changed to favor paramorphs, their wings became short, and their size gradually became smaller. It took a few million years for the paramorphs to reach their present size, which occurs within the span of a year on Earth. During the last million years, their evolution process completed and the body became one with its seed DNA. This will enable the seeds of all future paramorphs to grow and flourish, but this can take thousands of years, similar to how plant seeds germinate.

When looking at the truth of paramorphid genetics, it is important to remember that all living things use the same form of DNA. Therefore, even though each species is unique, the code used to create each paramorph is the same throughout the animal kingdom. If you study the past and present of nature, you will see the evidence for the universal laws working. Only through research and observation can we learn what the future will hold for paramorphs, but for now it remains to be seen whether they will continue to evolve or if they will eventually cease to exist.