Nutrient Value in Raw and ripe Fruits

Nutrition value in raw and ripe fruits are not only important for human health but also for our pets. Raw and ripe fruits contain vital nutrients that are helpful to our health. One such nutrient is vitamin A, which promotes good vision and healthy skin. These fruits are also rich in antioxidants, which help fight against free radicals that cause diseases and aging. Antioxidants protect the body from diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

Vitamin C, like vitamin A, helps prevent infections and strengthens our immune system. Vitamin D prevents calcium absorption by our bodies. Fruits are rich in vitamin B that improves bone strength and bone density. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects our cells from oxidative damage and improves immune functions.

Vitamin K helps maintain blood clotting and thus helps prevent strokes and heart diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish are beneficial for our health as it lowers cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels. These fatty acids are effective fat-burning agents and increase the energy levels in our cells.

Iron is essential for red blood cell production and absorption and thus promotes circulation of oxygen. Nuts are a rich source of iron and provide strong energy to your body. Carrots have a high amount of vitamin A and B-complex vitamins. Vitamin K helps improve the absorption of iron in our intestines and also has other mineral and mineralizing effects. Therefore, the fruits and vegetables that are rich in these nutrients and minerals are a must for ensuring optimum health.

Fruits and vegetables contain protein which is very useful for our body as it provides the energy we require during the day. The proteins found in fruits and vegetables are highly soluble, which means they get easily absorbed into our body. Therefore, protein helps to build and repair our muscles and tissues. It also increases our energy levels and minimizes our fatigue and stress. The more energy you get, the better for you since it helps you in accomplishing your daily tasks with greater ease and flexibility.

Nuts are rich sources of fiber and protein and contain complex carbohydrates. They are easily digested and absorbed by the body. Therefore, raw nuts and seeds provide the body with healthy proteins, vitamins and minerals which are extremely helpful in building and repairing muscles. In addition to its energy boosting benefits, raw nuts and seeds are also great in alleviating arthritis pain as they possess anti-inflammatory properties.

Vegetables contain carbohydrates but are low in minerals and vitamins and hence should be consumed in limited quantities. Carrots and celery are excellent raw sources of energy and high in nutrients. On the other hand, potatoes are high in fat and calories and should be consumed in moderate quantities. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are a great combination as they are an excellent source of energy plus they are good for your health too.

There are many benefits of consuming raw fruits and vegetable juice regularly. They help detoxify the system, improve digestive system, regulate hormone levels, strengthen immunity system, and much more. However, a balanced diet should be followed by everyone to maintain a healthy and fit body. It is always advisable to consult a doctor before starting a new diet or exercise regimen so that one understands the exact nutrition value of the food he/she is eating. Raw fruits and vegetable juice can give you all the nutrition value you wish to have in one mouthful!

As far as losing weight is concerned, the best way is to exercise regularly. Ripe fruits are low in calories and hence can help you lose weight. Just a few fresh fruits and a glass of juice every day can make a huge difference in your overall health. If you want to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, then it is advisable to include carbohydrates in your diet plan. If you add complex carbohydrates to your diet, you will get double the amount of nutrition value from the fresh fruits and vegetables.

Apart from increasing your physical fitness, fresh fruits and vegetables also provide multiple health benefits. They are a rich source of essential minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous and magnesium which are important for good health. These minerals are not available in processed foods. The fiber content present in them is another important component which helps you feel full easily. Thus, consuming a glass of fresh fruit juice every day can ensure that you have the right level of nutrition and can keep you healthy for a longer period of time.

A delicious smoothie can be made to augment the nutritional value of your meals. The yogurt and fresh fruits can be combined with yoghurt to make a creamy and tasty drink. You can add any range of natural and organic ingredients to make your own customized, delicious smoothies. There are many recipes online, which you can try and find the ones that are most suitable for you. You can then blend these smoothies in water or other beverages, to have a delicious, nutritious and energy boosting beverage.