Top Five Benefits of Onion (Allium cepa) That Can Be Availed Of In US

There are several health benefits of onions. The scientific and health studies have revealed that it is one of the healthiest food. It is not only one of the healthiest food but it is also one of the most frequently used food by humans. The onion is widely used for a variety of dishes. The food value of onions is high because of its antioxidant value and also because of vitamin contents. Here, we discuss the health benefits of onions and also discover some of the food value of onions.

Antioxidants: Foods that fight free radicals in our body. Osteoarthritic problems can be solved by the use of topical ointments containing vitamins A, C, and E. Moreover, the use of topical antibiotics also fights the problem of inflammation and thus fighting the occurrence of osteoarthritis. New studies suggest that eating onions on a regular basis can lower the risk of developing osteoporosis in old people who have rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of onions fight the pain caused by the condition.

Nutritional value: Topical application of some of the foods like garlic or onion on the joints can heal the inflammation and thereby curing the disease. According to the studies, onion has excellent nutritional profile with rich vitamins and minerals and low in calories. Hence, health benefits of onions rank high in nutrition.

Phytonutrients: This is another important health benefit of onions. onions are considered as one of the highest sources of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are known to cure several diseases like cancer, heart disease, etc. Moreover, the nutrient content of this vegetable is very high and it fulfills the nutritional needs of a human being perfectly.

Color and flavor: The color and the flavor of this vegetable are its biggest attractions. It is available in different colors, shapes and sizes. The flesh of these vegetables is available in different shades of yellow. They retain their original color when they are chopped or when they are cooked. Due to this property, people prefer to use them in various dishes and food preparations.

Availability: All the food stuff is easily available in the supermarkets and online stores. The food stuff can also be bought through mails and UPS services. However, the quality of the food stuff offered by the stores may vary from one store to another. So, the quality of the onions rank highest amongst all other varieties of this vegetable in the US and in other parts of the world.