When you hear the word asceticism what comes to mind? Most commonly the picture that comes to mind is someone sitting in some corner, robes on their back, and a cross nearby. This image is popularized in literature, film and religion. People with ascetic tendencies are depicted as persons who are living a monk-like existence in order to be closer to God. The philosophy behind asceticism in the Catholic Church revolves around disciplines like the vow of obedience and the Ten Commandments.
Asceticism redirects here to a more spiritual concept of life. The philosophy of asceticism basically describes a life lived in accord with moral values. However, those who practice asceticism often see their religious practices as virtuous and follow them to attain greater spiritual enlightenment. The idea is that one can find enlightenment in all things and not necessarily in religious matters alone.
In modern times, there are several groups that claim to embrace this form of Buddhism. One such group is the Buddhist Peace Association, which believes that the path to true happiness and goodness lies in learning to make changes in the way one views and acts within the current circumstances of life. Another offshoot of this philosophy is the Utrican Peace Foundation, which teaches that the source of evil in the world can be reduced to one central idea – clinging to concepts and ideas that are out of balance with the natural order of things. Other similar groups include the Buddhist Psychological Association and the Buddhist Peace Corps.