Health Benefits of Finger Millet From the Middle East

Finger millet or ragi is one of the healthiest and most nutritious grains available in the market today. This is because it is made from millet plant that grows abundantly in the arid deserts of the Middle East. Besides being immensely nutritious, finger millet also packs in minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, which are all very important to keep a healthy heart and circulation. It also contains trace amounts of fatty acids, iron and copper. These minerals and vitamins make it ideal for people who are looking for a wholesome food that is very easy to prepare and delicious to taste. Apart from being very nutritious, the other benefits include the following:

Since it is available in different forms, from dry millet to watery millet, and in varying degrees of nutty, millet traders do not offer one type of finger millet to their customers. There is an array of different varieties available for one’s cooking convenience. Some of the varieties available are:

Aside from finger millet, there are other grains available in the market that are as delicious and nutritious. One of them is the amaranth, which is also native to Asia, but is grown in other places such as America, Africa and South America. There is also millet, which is native to Africa, and used by the ancient inhabitants of the continent to feed themselves. Some other options are flax, buckwheat, millet, maize, wild rice and the traditional wheat from the Andes.