The Sapta Chakra is situated in the center of the spinal column and is considered the root of all other chakras. The Sapta is located in the left side of the brain and is an energy center. The primary duty of the Sapta Chakra is to create a balance between your body, mind and spirit. When this energy center is out of harmony, problems like irritable bowel syndrome and headaches are experienced. This energy center or chakra is also known as the Muladhara Chakra.
With the Sapta Chakra is the energy center that controls and coordinates all human energy, it can be said that it governs all human emotions, desires and thoughts. As such, if the Sapta Chakra is not functioning properly, you may experience anger, hate, depression, fear and sorrow for whatever reason. When this Chakra is blocked, life becomes difficult to handle emotionally and this is because the energy that is created to fulfill desires does not flow smoothly. With the imbalance, life becomes a battle of competing priorities.
There are different types of Sapta Chakra blockages and the treatment for each is slightly different. The three most common ones include the following: The first blockage is caused by an imbalance within the nervous system and this is also known as the Brahma Nadi. It is the center of all the nerves in the body and is responsible for all our emotions, feelings and sensations. It is also the force within us that causes physical movements and muscle tension. If it is out of balance, the manipulation of this chakra can cause emotional disturbances to all bodily functions such as constipation, cramps, headaches, back pain, insomnia, nervousness, stomach issues, dizziness, leg pain, anxiety and irritability.
The second blockage is caused by the obstruction of the Sapta from receiving adequate nutrition. This can be caused by many things such as improper diet, too much smoking and drinking, too much physical activity and stress. This will essentially affect the level of energy the Chakra receives and this will consequently impact how well it functions. Poor nutrition leads to a body that lacks energy and suffers from chronic fatigue.
The third and last blockage involves the way in which you treat your physical self. You have to make sure that you are eating nutritious foods that will feed the Sapta and not just what you think is good for you. For example, if you are suffering from chronic fatigue, you should consider detoxifying your body so that you can get rid of any toxins that may have built up in your digestive system over time. This will increase the energy levels within your body and allow you to function at a higher level.
You must also ensure that you are performing certain activities that will release negative energy. Activities such as excessive masturbation will not only harm your Chakra, but it will also cause your mind and body to go into a state of depression. Your Chakra is meant to be uplifted and joyful. If you are focusing all your attention on your problems rather than being happy and positive, you are blocking the flow of Sapta energy within you. This energy is required to keep your emotions in balance and allow you to remain calm. If you allow your mind to be in turmoil, your Chakra will be harmed.
There are ways to open your Chakra. One such method is through energy meditation. Other methods include visualization, positive thinking, and asking for other people’s help. There is no right or wrong way to approach Chakra meditation, as long as you are doing it the right way. You could try meditating on your own, but if you feel you need more direction, you can find plenty of online instruction to help you along.
Be aware that even though the Sapta Chakra is located in the center of your physical body, you may not be able to see it when your eyes are closed. That is why you need to be very precise with how you are sitting, standing, and moving. Do this for at least 10 minutes every day. As you become more attuned to your Chakra, you will start to notice changes. No matter what your age is, this is something you can improve, especially if it feels out of place.