There is No Need for a Religion to Help You Grow

There is no need for a religion to live in this world, because there is no such thing as religion. There is only spirituality, which is seeking the truth beyond life, and then there is religion, which is a set of rules that one must follow in order to be saved. The former is trying to find something that will allow them to enter into heaven while the latter is simply following rules in order to be saved. Both types have been around since the beginning of time, but only religion has become popular in the modern age.

There is nothing more beautiful than someone sacrificing their lives for their beliefs. This is why I respect religion. In fact, I respect any religion that has dedicated followers who give their lives in the name of their religion. I believe that it is a great sacrifice for them to have made the choice to follow their religious leaders. If you don’t think so, ask yourself why someone would sacrifice their life for a book or a religion when they could have easily followed their own logical thinking and kept on living their life.

Some religions may teach you things that are good for your life while other religions will tell you to do terrible things. People must realize that the book of the bible does not control their lives. It only provides guidelines that must be followed in order to attain salvation. You should be guided by what you read in the bible and not blindly follow the teachings. Some fundamental teachings in religion can lead to a spiritual life but ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what path their life will take.

When people choose to follow a religion, they do so because of promises that are made to them by their religion. These promises say that if they follow the rules in their religion, their spirit will guides them into heaven. However, this is just an illusion and has no bearing on their real life. What really matters is that by following their religion, they are able to have a feeling of security and stability in their life which ultimately leads to a happy and contented spirit.

What is really happening when a person becomes a member of a religion? Does he/she truly believe that god exists and that he/she is channeling god’s spirit to help them? Believing in a religion is a way of life and therefore, when a person chooses to follow his religion, he/she is making a decision to become part of something bigger than himself/herself. There is no need to get caught up in the day-to-day affairs and to be concerned with what god wants for you or your family.

People who want to have more faith in their religion should do some soul searching to find out what their religion is really saying about their existence. The true way to have spirituality is to believe in god but to also be aware of all the miracles happening around us. We need to be grateful to god for all he has given us. What religion do we need to follow in order to gain this gratitude? There is no need for religion as such.

What is spirituality to you? If you want to achieve spirituality then you will need to find out what your religion is really saying about you and your life. There is no need for a religion to tell you what is good, bad and right. It is only you who knows what is right and what is wrong. You have to discover it for yourself.

When you search for more information about spirituality and the true meaning of life, you will find out that all religion is an illusion! You will also learn that you don’t need a religion to achieve spirituality. All you need is to believe in something bigger than yourself. That is all there is to it.