Thyme has been used as a spice and a flavoring agent since early times. It is native to Northern Europe and Asia and is now grown in a wide variety of places throughout the world. It was probably first cultivated as a crop for eating and as a medicinal plant. It has multiple applications and is considered highly beneficial for the human body because of its numerous health benefits. It has been shown to have antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, nerve-protective, and anti-cancer properties.
Thyme belongs to the mint family of aromatic non-floral plants in the mint genus Lamiaceae. Thyme stems can be decanted for use as a tea, making it a good choice for people who want to include it in their regular diet. Thyme flowers are probably the most well-known of all the thyme species. Many of the other varieties of thyme are now only available in dried flower form. Thyme is also relatives of the oregano family Origanum, which has multiple uses and is cultivated for food, medicine, and perfume.
Some of the common uses of thyme that do not involve the flowers or the leaves are: as a digestive aid for iron loss and an anti-inflammatory, to treat flu and colds, as a blood purifier, as a diuretic, as an expectorant, as an aphrodisiac, as an anti-inflammatory, as an antibacterial, and as an expectorant. There have been no clinical trials on any of these previously mentioned uses of thyme. Therefore, while it is unlikely to cause side effects in most healthy people, caution should be taken if you are taking medications or if you are pregnant or nursing.
Thyme oil is often included in a yeast recipe or mixed with honey to make a light, but flavorful yeast recipe. You will not likely find any health claims on the packets of thyme, however, as the manufacturers are generally aware of the risks of using a spice in a yeast recipe. Those that are in doubt about using thyme as a spice should check with their health food store or a doctor before trying a new yeast recipe.
If you’re looking for a good thyme recipe, then a quick search on Google should return some recipes. A basic yeast recipe uses just garlic, sugar, water, and dried yeast, though there are variations on the theme. Most recipes call for a half cup of water. Adding fresh thyme leaves to the recipe will enhance the flavor. For breads and muffins, fresh thyme makes for a delicious flavor, especially with freshly ground cheddar cheese on top.
One of the primary reasons for taking thyme oil to help alleviate bronchitis symptoms is its ability to ease coughs and colds by drying of the airways. Other herbs have similar properties. Thyme can be taken in capsule form, as well, which makes it easier to get all the herbs’ active ingredients into your system without interference with your other medications.