Sweet potato (Ipomoes fructus) is an underground tuberous plant of the starches family; Solanaceae. The sweet potato, or sweetpotato (IPomoea Batatas), is a fleshy, damp-rooted plant belonging to the sweet potato family, Solanaceae. It is the principal cultivated vegetable in Eastern Europe, where it is mainly used for its sweet potato flavor and dietary fiber. Its large, starchy, sweet tasting leaves are used as a vegetable. Its roots, which are soft, are boiled and eaten like potato chips.
Sweet potato is rich in potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, fiber, iron, and vitamin C. Apart from these nutrients, it is an excellent source of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins B-complex, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, and potassium. The food value of sweet potato is 30 times higher than that of other commonly consumed vegetables. A one-half medium-sized sweet potato has about the same percentage of calories as the apple.
Although there are many ways of cooking, however, the healthiest way is to mash the potatoes and mix with salt, pepper and butter. This recipe forms a nutritious, fine, soft and moist paste that is easily digested and also tastes great. In addition to its nutritional value, the body benefits from the high level of dietary fiber in this sweet potato. Some studies have suggested that eating sweet potatoes on a regular basis may prevent certain types of cancers. Moreover, they provide excellent energy levels and hence are good snack food.
There are many health benefits of consuming sweet potato on a regular basis. If you take a small amount every day, then you can enjoy numerous health benefits. The sweet potato contains beta carotene, which is helpful for healthy eyesight, strong immune system, protection against diabetes, prevention of various cancers including colon, breast, stomach, prostate, and bladder cancer, protection against Alzheimer’s disease, and helps maintain a good mood in people suffering from depression. On the whole, health benefits of consuming sweet potato far outweigh any negative effects of this vegetable on health.
It is easier to digest and more nutritious than the white potato. However, if you are allergic to either then you should avoid both the sweet potato products and the white potato. They contain approximately equal quantities of both trans-fats and cholesterol. Trans-fats are the main ingredient in hydrogenated oils that are commonly used to cook the potato. Therefore, eating them causes a radical rise in your blood cholesterol levels.
When it comes to the health benefits of eating sweet potato, they are numerous. First of all, they are extremely healthy for you. If you eat them regularly, then you will quickly realize that there is nothing like having them as a part of your regular diet. Their flavourful, yet slightly bitter flavor will easily enhance the taste of your food. As a snack food or part of a healthy diet, they are among the most delicious vegetable you can have.