Find Out More about Indian Astrology

The word “astrology” comes from a Greek word, anti, which means “one reading”. So in essence it is one way to get an accurate reading on any given day. Now astrology readings are based on constellations and other elements and these are studied and interpreted by people who are trained and experienced in this field.

The most popular type of astrology in India is the Vedic astrology or Jyotishya. The Vedic astrology system predates all other systems of astrology in India and elsewhere in the world. The next were Babylonians who had a  system of constellations and they were the first people in the west who measured the positions of the planets. Vedic astrology was regarded as the most accurate of all the systems of astrology in India and the world even till date.

Astrology in Indian tradition is also based on the sun as he central sign. Every visible object has an element that can be correlated with a particular person. This includes the moon, the sun, the stars, and even the earth and water. A person’s birth date and time is  determined by his/her sign.

There are many aspects of astrology in India that are influenced by religious beliefs. For instance, all the planets and stars revolve around the center of the sun and there are twelve signs in a year. Therefore each of the twelve signs has a corresponding planet. All the Hindu constellations have their own significance and are related to the twelve zodiac signs.

Each of the constellations is assigned a house, which coesponds to their relatively stable position for a particular period.  Each of the houses has a major, minor, and solar as well as belt star. Each of the sun signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, aquarians, and Pisces) has three main aspects that influence daily lives. They are the influence of the sun, the moon and also the stars. For example, the influence of the sun on the day of birth is associated with Virgo, Aries and Taurus while on the other days the influence of the moon is associated with Libra, Scorpio, Aquarians and Pisces.

In addition to the sun, moon and stars, the earth also has a large part to play. It has a massive effect on the daily lives of Indians. However, Indian astrologers are not concerned with the earth. All they have to do is with the stars. Since ancient times astrologers have associated the houses with various aspects such as personality traits, prosperity and personality development.

A good Astrology Indian website will also help you to know the exact time when your appointment with the Sun is. This will be helpful in determining the right clothes to wear and the appropriate food to eat. You must remember that your physical appearance has a lot to do with how successful you will be in life. So you should not let your appearance affect your choice of clothes or your choice of food.

Indian astrologers also believe in karma. According to them bad things happen to people according to their deeds. Good things also result in good things. So it is important for an individual to understand the meaning of the Astrology Indian chart. Proper understanding of this chart can lead to a better life.

You must remember that the universe is perfectly balanced. You just need to maintain a positive attitude and you will also see improvements in your life and indicate solutions to individual problems.