Pursuit of Wellness and Happiness

Seeking happiness and prosperity does not mean you are doing something selfish. What it means is you are doing the things that will bring you health, wealth, peace, and wisdom. When we are seeking happiness and abundance, we are in fact seeking out the meaning of life. The pursuit of such a life is in the search for meaning which is symbolized by the word “itas.” The pursuit of such a life means that we are aware of who we are and where we are on the road to wholeness.

One of the most powerful ways of seeking happiness and prosperity is to become a positive person. A positive person does not have negative thoughts and feelings. When we are having negative thoughts and feelings, we tend to feel depressed, sad, and powerless. But, when we are thinking positively we tend to feel energized, happy, and positive. A positive mind-set can be achieved through exercise, meditation, reading, watching television, listening to music, laughing, eating right, getting out and enjoying social occasions, exercising our minds with positive mental games, and most importantly by believing in ourselves!

In seeking happiness and meaning we must first of all look within. Research has suggested that there are seven areas of life in which we can find true happiness. These areas of life are: Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, relationship, leisure, and learning. Research has also indicated that these areas of life are related to specific personality traits. As such, people who are into business and the “action” types seek out physical activities like sports, adventure, working out, and other physical challenges.

On the other hand, those who are seeking happiness and meaning in the things they do are more likely to find joy and excitement in things like reading, creative expression, music, good food, and many different types of exercising. A happy and successful person is one who looks upon their achievements with appreciation instead of having too much negative or cynical thoughts about them. Those with high positive emotions have the ability to attract opportunities into their lives as well as to let go of unwanted things or situations that can cause them stress and even grief. Individuals who are gifted with creativity often find joy and creativity in every aspect of their lives. These individuals are also very successful in finding meaningful employment with careers that allow them to use their gifts and talents.

Having a positive attitude and mindset when it comes to the pursuit of happiness requires the individual to focus on their mental and spiritual health as well. One of the greatest advantages to being a happy, healthy person is that you are less likely to experience negative thoughts and feelings, which will lead to depression, sickness, and a general feeling of ill-health. It is imperative that you avoid the trap of negativity. Many times people are led to believe that if they just keep working at their jobs and positive thinking will take care of the problems that they have, however this is rarely the case. Depression and feelings of unhappiness are actually caused by negative thoughts and beliefs.

In addition to having a happy and positive attitude, it is important that you be completely content with your life in all aspects. This means that you should feel happy and fulfilled all of the time, whether it is through your work or your personal life. You must be able to mentally and physically accept what you are currently doing and what you have accomplished as an individual. The pursuit of happiness and fulfillment should involve satisfaction in all different areas of your life as well as a sense of well-being.

The pursuit of happiness should also include the enjoyment of your relationships and the ability to be a good friend to those that you hold dear. When we are able to have deep emotions and enjoy the company of those that are close to us, we become happier and more fulfilled with our lives. Pursuit of happiness should involve being a good friend and a loyal lover to those that love you and care for you. The emotional and spiritual elements of the pursuit of happiness are the same as the physical and mental aspects, but they often take on a completely different meaning and importance when shared in this way.

Another area that is related to well-being is that there is a strong connection between well-being and overall health. When you are healthy and have good physical health, you will have a better chance at long-term happiness and fulfillment as well as health and well-being. The connection between wellness and happiness has been established in many different studies. One study conducted in 2021 by the National Institute of Health found that those who were in healthy relationships had higher levels of well-being than those who were not. When well-being was measured in the survey participants, those who were in long-term happy relationships had higher self esteem and were less depressed than those in relationships that were short-lived. Another study published in the journal of Evolution and Human Behavior found that well-being was associated with life expectancy and that the physical health of individuals was inversely associated with their level of stress.