the subject of astrology, has been used for centuries in India and other parts of the world in one way or the other. Jyotishya is the word for astrology in Sanskrit. The ASTROLOGY of India has been greatly influenced by its rich history, influenced by the Vedas (age old Indian history), Upanishads (books of ancient Hindu philosophy written in verse form) and the western classical epics such as the Book of sagas (the work of ancient Greek literature) . Jyotishya studies astronomy, astrology and its relationship with time based on the astronomical bodies positions and movements and its effects on human mind.
The Hindu Astrology is deeply a form of mathematics which guides religious practices. The heart (Hridaya) as the source of all life and the visible body are considered as one whole entity. According to Astrology the heart is believed to contain within it a seed of energy which, by releasing this seed, creates and produces divine knowledge. This (Prabha) light is believed to be the soul of the body. Therefore, the more one understands this inner characteristics of the soul, the better his mind, emotions and actions will affect his external personality.
The science of Astrology was introduced in a systamatic way by the Indians and is now used by some in the western world as a form of medicine as psychotherapy. Hatha Yoga is one of the branches of ancient Yoga system that became more prominent in the latter part of the nineteenth century in India and was introduced to the west later. It combines ethical teachings with difficult complex physical exercises and meditation. Many a time the Astrology of today is indirectly being used to treat patients suffering from psychological disorders. In the course of such treatment, a patient is taught relevant portions of the science of Astrology and taught how to balance their mind, body and soul.
The scientific basis of Astrology is based on the works of the Indian eminent Sages bhrigu in his Bhrigu Samhita, varahamihira in his Brihadjataka by , Aryabhata in his Aryabhatiya. They had realised the importance of Jyotishya for healing mental illness and learning to control one’s mind and behavior.
The importance of Astrology for healing mental illnesses dates back to the Babylonian era also. When the civilization of the Persian kings began to decline, they appointed their own physician, who were magicians also. As a result, many people from Persia and surrounding areas lost their sense of reality.They were fascinated by magic. Because of this, magic became an integral part of life for the Persians. later, magic was developed as a great art form.
In modern times, many mental institutions use Yoga therapy as a complementary therapy for those suffering from mental illness. One branch of this discipline is called “Yoga Therapy”. This consists of using a series of sounds and images to induce relaxation, calm down the mind, relax the muscles and calm the emotions, which in turn helps a person to regain his sense of reality.
Another branch of therapy involves using the sound to induce sleep and relaxation. In the final analysis, Yoga in combination with astrology has proven its effectiveness both for curing mental illnesses and calming the mind. It has been used to treat a variety of conditions like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorders, phobias, fear and obsessive compulsive disorders.