Concepts Used in Chemistry: Solving Problems

What is equilibrium? Let’s say there are two volumes of water. We will use the English system of measurements, the unit of measure is pounds per gallon. If you weigh both of these water masses and then add the weights of both ends of a long wire, you find the density of the water relative to its weight. This can also be done using the metric system.

Now let’s consider some examples using real data from real equilibria. In Chemistry, it is common to find the concentrations of nearly all known substances at rest in a particularqueous solution. Many times in a chemical reaction, for instance, one kind of molecule may form or dissolve in a different kind of solution. At equilibrium, the concentration of all of the molecules will remain at their original concentrations. The real equilibria in the environment will be somewhat more complicated because of varying temperatures, solute species concentration, and presence of additives.

Another way to think of the equilibrium is as the value of a function that is continuous when it is plotted against the changes in a constant pressure. A good example would be plotted against changes in the atmospheric pressure. In equilibrium, the concentration of a particular molecule constant in pressure and temperature will remain as it is at any given time.

Many reactions involving chemical compounds exhibit what is called a steady state, a state in which no changes are observed in the variables. For instance, a molecule might be on a set of scales at rest and react to some other substance at some point. Once it starts to react, other molecules in the vicinity might react as well. This is called a reaction at a concentration. In a sense, each of these reactions is the outcome of an equilibrium constant.

One can visualize equilibrium as a function, with each component of the function varying in concentration and temperature. The equilibrium constant for a particular set of constant temperatures is the equilibrium of a particular chemical potential. This temperature is equal to the lowest possible temperature at which the equilibrium chemical potential can exist. A chemical potential exists when a system has both a positive and negative charge, a bonding property, and a location where the equator and the zero point in earth’s gravity exist. Thermodynamic diagrams representing the equilibrium constant refer to temperatures.

Certain equilibrium conditions are important for understanding chemical reactions and the chemistry of the substances that compose the rest of a system. The first equilibrium constant is the concentration of a substance at a particular temperature. Other equilibrium conditions relate concentrations of various substances at different temperatures. There is also a concept of partial equilibrium, the state in which a substance is near its own equilibrium state at a particular temperature, but is not at the same concentration with reference to the other concentrations that it is near. Partial equilibria can only be established by observation, as is true for all of the remaining equilibrium constant values.

Another equilibrium constant is the ionic strength of a solution. The equilibrium concentrations of ions will always remain constant when a mixture is made, regardless of how much of one particular compound has been added or subtracted from the mixture. Solvation occurs when the concentration of a particular solvent is lower than its concentration of the substances that compose the rest of the mixture. It is this concept that is the foundation of practical chemical analysis, with changes in solute concentrations indicating what changes have occurred in chemical reactions and their properties.

Some examples of equilibrium constant values include the concentration of ions, the concentration of alkaline and acid compounds, and the concentration of the covalent components of an organic molecule. The concentration of the divalent ions will change continuously depending on the electronegativities of the covalent atoms. The concentration of the non-covalent ions, on the other hand, will stay constant unless the electronegativities of the atoms increase or decrease. The equilibrium of a mixture of two solutes is determined using the geometric formula, where the difference between the concentration of a single ion and the concentration of a molecule is the equilibrium concentration. Other concepts used in chemistry, such as electron concentration, are also related to the equilibrium constant and may be mathematically derived using the same methods used in determining equilibrium concentration.