borders across globe erase them

Borders across the globe must be erased from the map, because humanity is one. The greatest nation in the history of mankind was created through a massive act of will, with the help of millions of common people who decided to extinguish their differences and come together. Their will be united, and their union was built on the will of God. There are still free men and women in Africa, Asia, and Central America who do not know the peace that can only be found in free movement anywhere. Yet they still hope to one day be like their brothers in Europe, in Canada, and in America. Let us be one, and let us love one another, for all we have suffered and for all we are yet to endure.

The famous lines written by the Unshakable, inscribed in a book that is still used today, one cannot but see the inspiration that can only come from such a great deed. If only one rule had been written, one could have written that free movement anywhere is one of man’s most basic human rights. However, one rule did not happen, and two more followed that allowed more freedom, yet this still did not erase the fact that humanity is one and the same. For if there had been no freedom to move or to sit down anyone could have written off that possibility.

People who say that borders across the globe must be erased do so with an anger that burns within them. Those who are actually willing to fight for the liberation of oppressed nations, of which they are a part, or people who want to see free markets, and a greater level of freedom for all who live under oppressive regimes, are silent. Those who call for the removal of these borders and the affirmation of universal brotherhood, or those who want to see their countries join in an organization of nations, are outspoken. Yet they claim to be peace lovers. Are they peace lovers because they understand that sometimes war is the best option when there seems to be no other.

Those who have lived their entire lives in one nation have a totally different perspective on things. What do they mean by this? Do they wish to tear down the borders that separate their nations from each other? Not likely. They recognize that while they have a home in America, they have many friends in France, Germany, and elsewhere. Therefore, their allegiance is to their common ancestry, not to nationality.

Those who have lived all their lives in one country but wish to emigrate to another are usually faced with the dilemma of coming to the realization that they may not have much to choose between. Those who have lived in a multicultural society and wish to marry someone outside their race or religion face the same problem. And so it is with those who wish to escape their native lands to those who would like to escape poverty and war. It is not so much the destination as it is the idea of escaping what they consider the evils of their former homeland.

If one is not so concerned with the idea of leaving his or her homeland to live abroad, one might question the true motive of people who question the necessity of borders across the globe. After all, aren’t they only trying to find security and peace? Some might indeed answer yes, but not all of them. Many who question the necessity of borders across the globe must also wonder if a free world is really possible when borders seem to keep us divided and subject to different political systems.

The truth is that we are one world, and we have been for centuries. Those who want to divide us still are not free people. Those who question the need for boundaries can make very valid points. Still, it is important that those who question the need for borders understand why we are one world, and that those who desire the continuation of diversity in humanity must do so through tolerance and understanding.

Those who cannot tolerate other cultures, lifestyles, and ideas should not be allowed to live in these nations. Those who wish to have their way on earth by hurting those who wish to be free must be stopped. If not stopped, there will be more wars. There will be more turmoil. And ultimately, one will end up worse off than when he or she started.