Relativity and the Nature of Space and Time

Everything in the NATURE OF SPACE AND TIME is a product of intelligent design. If scientists are to ever discover the origins of life, it will have to be through an analysis of the effects of unaided natural selection upon unaided biological evolution. The entire framework of the universe and nature as we see it today was fashioned by natural selection acting over thousands of millions of millions  of years without outside intervention. Science itself shows us that this can and does happen in nature – and the effects of such things as gamma radiation, neutrino bursts, and other natural disasters show the laws of nature working in a highly spontaneous and cyclical fashion without any outside control or influence. Such being the case Is there anything like a God?

I believe so, and in discussing these issues in terms of the theory of relativity I believe I’ve already demonstrated a point that should make it clear to anyone listening that religion cannot be used as a tool to test the strength of this theory. In the case of the big bang theory, the unaided agent (God) can go about creating matter and energy at will using a free will to act. There is no proof that this can be done, yet it has been done on a large scale with the accelerators that are currently operating. If religion had been involved in this process, then one could say that God was testing the strength of the Big Bang Theory itself, which flies in the face of almost every idea of what religion is, or was meant to be. Science itself can’t explain how things work – we know they work through observation.

When discussing the subject of God and the relationship between religion and science, it’s important to realize that both theories rely on mathematics in order to make their observations and calculations possible. Both theories use space-time and general relativity and they each have their own strengths, weaknesses, and predictions. Religion can be a force for good, or it can be a force for bad – it all depends on whether you believe in a creator and a destroyer.

Again it all depends on how we define and perceive God. If we were to limit Him and his capabilities then he would not be called God. All religions are careful in describing him as omnipotent omniscience, etc,.