World leprosy eradication day World  leprosy eradication  day slow growing bacterialargest leprosy eradication programme Sarvodaya day pays respectful homage sacrificed their lives

Dear viewers, welcome to Jnana Degula Wesite. Today 30th January happens to be an important day on account of two factors. Today is  World  leprosy eradication  day. This day is marked to spread the awareness  among the people about the leprosy disease and end leprosy related stigma and discrimination towards leprosy affected in the society. French journalist and social activist Mr. Raoul Foucreau established this day during 1954. Leprosy is caused by slow growing bacteria called Mycobacterium lepreae which affects nerves, skin, eyes, nasal mucosa and other parts of the body. It can be cured by early diagnosis and India runs the largest leprosy eradication programme.

Another important tragedy that happenned on  this day was that  of M. K Gandhi assassination who was  shot to death  on 30.01.1948. Mr M.K.Gandhi was also very much concerned about the leprosy patients. This day is also declared as Sarvodaya day , Shaheed Diwas or Martyr,s day oberved to pay homage to all the people  who fought for the freedom , welfare and progress of our country.

Apart from 30th January there are other 6 days which are observed as Martyrs’ day that is  on 23rd  March, 19th May, 21st October, 17th November, 24th November. 

Jnanadegula team remembers and pays respectful homage to all those who sacrificed their lives for the nation on this day.